[Spambayes] Secure access still not working

Luke Paris spmbn at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 9 22:24:01 CET 2010

for many moons now I've been hoping for secure access to be implemented in 
SpamBayes.  No other spam filter comes close (although, to tell you the 
truth, very little spam currently gets past my ISP, although I fear quite a 
lot of non-spam suffers a spammie fate).  1.1a4 promised SSL access but 
failed to deliver, and crashed a lot, and now trying 1.1a6, and seems to be 
managing to connect to pop.live.com on port 995, but behaviour erratic, and 
never gets further than downloading 1/3 of the message list, let alone any 

Is SpamBayes still being actively developed, or have the developers gone on 
to bigger, more lucrative things? Not that they don't deserve a lucrative 
future, but unfortunately that lucre won't come from me, as i"m now getting 
too little spam to be worth it.

Is there any hope of a functioning SSL version?

Using it on WinXP pro with OE6.


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