[Spambayes] office 2010 version?

Peter Flindt newsgroups at Lastwebpage.de
Sat Apr 3 11:38:52 CEST 2010

Mark Hammond wrote on 29.03.2010 in message
<4BB122C3.5060707 at gmail.com> :
> On 30/03/2010 6:44 AM, Peter Flindt wrote:
>> Mark Hammond wrote on 29.03.2010 in message
>> <4BB08BDF.2040407 at gmail.com>  :
>>> On 29/03/2010 6:14 PM, Peter Flindt wrote:
>>>> Mark Hammond wrote on 29.03.2010 in message
>>>> <4BAFE96A.6020402 at gmail.com>   :
>>>>> On 26/03/2010 12:01 PM, Larry Heimendinger, TE wrote:
>>>>>> Will Outlook 2010 be supported?  Need any testing help?
>>>>> It will be supported as soon as we can confirm if it works for anyone,
>>>>> and under what conditions it does *not* work for anyone.  I'm yet to
>>>>> hold a copy of Outlook 2010 to test with - arranging for that to happen
>>>>> is probably the most effective way of moving forward with this (I've
>>>>> already sent out one feeler, but that might not pay off), but any
>>>>> testing or information you can provide would be helpful.
>>>> How I can tested it when it won't load?
>>>> Or outlook 2010 load your spambayes addon? If yes, what version?
>>> I just downloaded the Outlook 2010 beta and my most recent binary
>>> installer loads just fine on Windows 7 x64.  I'm still struggling with
>>> getting Outlook working with my test gmail account, but suggesting it
>>> "won't load" seems premature - have *you* tried?  I may not have more
>>> time this week to see how it actually works though, but initial results
>>> are encouraging...
>> I updated my Office 2007 to 2010. No luck, I got an warning message
>> about 2 unloadble pluigns, one was spambayes, the other one was an
>> Microsoft Addon for mobile devices. (I never use(d) this).
>> Next step was an deinstall, reg cleaner, and new install, no luck.
>> (Vista 32)

> Just to confirm - this was with the spambayes-1.1a6.exe installer I 
> uploaded a couple of weeks ago?

OHHH and after some tests it seems to me it not work.
-I can't mark an "Suspect Mail" as "No Spam"
-"Show Spa, clues for current message" not work too.


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