[Spambayes] Win 7, Outlook 2007 issues

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Apr 1 01:12:47 CEST 2010

On 1/04/2010 10:06 AM, Ocean wrote:
> 	As I mentioned previously, I'll try the binary as soon as I have the
> accompanied source files.  I can't run the full range of tests without it.

In that case, you probably do need to understand how to use svn.

However, it still doesn't make sense to me - if you are running a 
binary, the source files are no use to you - the binary version will not 
magically see the source files are there and do anything different.  In 
other words, the binary will behave identically with and without the 
source files, so there is no reason - related to tests or anything else 
- you need the sources to run the binary.  For this reason, I'm really 
only interested in hearing back from you once you have something to 
report about that binary.



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