[Spambayes] Severe error

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sat May 10 18:43:52 CEST 2008

    Steve> When I start Outlook I get a warning message saying that the
    Steve> SpamBayes add in has cause a serious error. I have been
    Steve> experiencing no noticeable problems and then this message
    Steve> appeared. The message advised me to disable the add in and seek
    Steve> an update to put the problem right; but I have no idea what it
    Steve> is. I agreed, by clicking ok, to allow Outlook to disable
    Steve> Spambayes and this is the current state. Please could you advise
    Steve> me on what to do next?

Locate the SpamBayes log file and see if it gives any clues.  If it contains
DB_RUNRECOVERY then your training database is corrupt.  In that case you'll
need to delete your training database and retrain from scratch.

Also, search the SpamBayes docs for clues:


Especially helpful should be the Outlook plugin troubleshooting guide and
the frequently asked questions page:


Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.webfast.com/~skip/
"Be different, express yourself like everyone else."

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