[Spambayes] why

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Mar 7 01:40:33 CET 2008

    Jack> I have windows XP, at&t Yahoo Mail    Mozilla Firefox

Hmmm...  You *might* be able to use the SpamBayes IMAP filter to classify
messages, though as far as I know this hasn't been tried before.  I have a
freebie Yahoo! Mail account but it doesn't support IMAP.  I was able to get
the IMAP filter to work with Google, sort of, but I was unsatisfied with the
results.  It was too complicated, it wasn't at all clear to me that I had
things set up properly (and I'm a SpamBayes developer), and it seemed as if
Google's spam filtering and SpamBayes were often at cross purposes.

My mother-in-law has a similar setup to you, but since she only mails her
friends she doesn't get much (if any) spam.  Still, perhaps I can prevail on
her to let me try and break her mail setup (she's done it frequently enough
without my help, and she always calls me for tech support ;-).

It's not going to happen anytime soon though.  PyCon is coming
<http://us.pycon.org/>.  That will likely suck up most otherwise free time
for the next week or so.


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