[Spambayes] question

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Sep 28 21:03:49 CEST 2007

    Jan> First, let me commend you on your awesome program!

On behalf of all the SpamBayes developers, thank you.

    Jan> Please let me know how I get writ of the SPAM-LOW that appears in
    Jan> front of some of the subjects in outlook's "subject field"

As Jesse indicated, that's not likely to be coming from SpamBayes,
especially since you indicated that not all subjects are annotated.  If you
are using Outlook (as it appears you are) and not Outlook Express, then it's
unlikely that SpamBayes is the culprit here.  If you are using the POP3
proxy or IMAP filter however, you can configure them to annotate the
Subject: or To: fields.  This was added because some mail software (most
notably Outlook Express) has very limited header filtering functionality.

So, just in case you happen to be using OE, check your SpamBayes server
settings.  If not, check with your admins to see if they recognize the
annotation and/or have some corporate spam filters which are adding it.

Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.webfast.com/~skip/

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