[Spambayes] Office 2007 Compatibility

Peter Flindt newsgroups at Lastwebpage.de
Fri Jul 20 19:04:24 CEST 2007

Jesse Bowler wrote at 20.07.2007 :
> Hello, I am Jesse Bowler and I was trying to install spambayes on my new
> computer. I have always used it on my other machines in the past. I have
> upgraded my office version from office 2003 Professional, to the newest
> version of Office 2007. But every time I went to install spambayes, it
> would crash Microsoft Outlook 2007.
The official release version 1.0.4. works here without any problems, if
you use Vista read the posting "Outlook 2007" below.

Only the beta versions from SpamBayes make some troubles here.


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