[Spambayes] [spambayes-dev] CVS to Subversion - complete I think

Remi papaDoc at videotron.ca
Mon Jul 16 15:13:17 CEST 2007

Hi Skip,

>     Dave> Because you're not connecting using ssh; you're using https.
> Any idea how I can get this to work without having to give my SF password on
> every commit?

You can use ssh-agent for a new shell
and then ssh-add.

N.B. You will have to add a key

This should be done once:
ssh-keygen -t dsa -C "USERNAME at shell.sf.net"

This is done at the beginning of the day
ssh-agent D:/Devtools/mks/mksnt/sh.exe   or what ever shell you use.
ssh-add t:/.ssh/id_dsa


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