[Spambayes] SpamBayes crashes silently on Mac OS X

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Tue Jul 3 15:21:31 CEST 2007

    Kevin> Okay, at this point, how do you think my time is best spent?
    Kevin>  - Migrate to 1.1a (can I migrate my training database, or must I
    Kevin>    start over?)
    Kevin>  - Debug with gdb in the hopes of finding the problem with 1.0.4.

I would update to 1.1a4, but I'm one of the SB developers, so that's a
pretty trivial for me.  (The gdb option is also pretty trivial for me.)  I
don't know what your experience is in these matters.

If you choose to upgrade you should be able to continue to use your existing
database, just make sure your SB config file (~/.spambayesrc is one of the
defaults it will look for) contains


in the [Storage] section and that the persistent_storage_file option
references your existing dbm file.  For example, I use hammie.db in my home


Note that I'm assuming you are just using the defaults provided by Sam
Thorne's Mac installer package.  I believe at the time that dbm format was
what he used by default.  You should be able to riffle through the config
information in the web interface to double-check this stuff.

Trying out 1.1a4 would have the added benefit of performing a little extra
testing for the developers so we can move toward a beta release, then
eventually to an actual honest-to-God 1.1final release.  Knowing that there
is at least one person interested in a Mac installer will motivate me to
investigate creating one for 1.1.  I sent mail to Sam Thorne yesterday about
what he used to create the one you're using but haven't heard back from him


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