[Spambayes] Support #431041

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Jul 1 13:54:40 CEST 2007

    Sandra> I purchased two games from gamehouse.
    Sandra> Mah Jong Medley
    Sandra> License  Name;   Sandra Young 
    Sandra> License Code:   HMMRV-VJBXF-MNSFN
    Sandra> ALSO
    Sandra> Caribbean Mah Jong
    Sandra> License Name    Sandra Young
    Sandra> License Code:    PLKSC-JSQRM-MNSFN
    Sandra> The money has already been taken out of my bank.  Please replace
    Sandra> it or see that these games get loadeded.
    Sandra> I have done every thin your support page said to do and I still
    Sandra> get a Not a Valid Win32 Application error message.
    Sandra> I also have tried to log on with my e-mail and password and it
    Sandra> wont let me.
    Sandra> e-mail  _Syoung26 at aol_ (mailto:Syoung26 at aol) . com
    Sandra> Password TINKER 12  OR
    Sandra>                  tinker 12


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Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.webfast.com/~skip/

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