[Spambayes] Spambayes classification failed!

Thomas Hruska thruska at cubiclesoft.com
Sun Jul 1 07:17:58 CEST 2007

skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     Thomas> Today I received an e-mail in my Thunderbird inbox that has a
>     Thomas> 'X-Spambayes-Classification: spam'.  I have a rule set up to
>     Thomas> automatically and permanently delete e-mails with spam
>     Thomas> classifications.  Somehow the e-mail got by the filter.
>     Thomas> Filter rule: "For incoming messages that: Match all of the
>     Thomas> following.
>     Thomas>   'X-Spambayes-Classification' is 'spam'.  Perform these actions: 
>     Thomas> Delete Message."
>     Thomas> Any developers interested?
> I'm not sure what problem you're describing.  Is it that SpamBayes
> incorrectly classified a message or that somehow it added a spam
> classification header to the message which your T-Bird filter didn't pick
> up?
> I'm unsure why you're not just saving spam to a separate folder for later
> review.  Aren't you worried that the occasional ham will be classified as
> spam and deleted?
> Skip

Not really sure.  Spambayes correctly classified the message as spam. 
It could be that Thunderbird didn't pick it up OR it could be Spambayes 
messed up the headers OR some combination.

Of 50,000+ messages since I started using Spambayes, 0 have been false 
positives - I get a number of 'unsure's every day, but most of those are 
spam (I'll get the occasional spam in my ham).  I review the 
ham/spam/unsure via the web interface.

Thomas Hruska
CubicleSoft President
Ph: 517-803-4197

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