[Spambayes] SpamBayes v1.0.4

CFS Editor editor at completelyFREEsoftware.com
Fri Jan 19 01:03:15 CET 2007


This program has been listed on the Completely FREE Software (CFS) site at:


So you can check your listing, you have been added to the CFS members list 
and an e-mail notification will be sent to you (subject "Account 
Activation") with your username and a password. For your own security, 
please change the password by following the instructions at:


This membership will remain valid while you have a program listed with CFS.

Our review of this program has been posted on-line and the same review will 
appear in the next CFS Weekly Newsletter.

Please keep us informed of any updates or changes to this program or its 
Web address. There is a convenient update form at:


We hope that listing this program on the CFS site will send many new users 
to your site. We would love to have you link back to CFS and we have posted 
a special author's "award" which tells your visitors that this program has 
been reviewed and rated by CFS. There are also buttons and banners 
available too. Get all linking information at:


Please note that we can create a special linking page so that your visitors 
can read the CFS review of your program. A sample of a linking page is at:

(membership is not required to view these special linking pages)

Please advise us if you wish a linking page created for your program.


Graham Pockett
Completely FREE Software


          Completely FREE Software
      Home of the freshest Windows & DOS freeware

+++++++ http://www.completelyFREEsoftware.com +++++++

Find out more. Get CFS membership info from:

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