[Spambayes] outlook-spambays problem

Jesse Pelton jsp at PKC.com
Mon Feb 5 14:55:33 CET 2007

mspx for an explanation of DEP. The basics are easy enough to grasp, but
the details may make your head spin.
Replying to the list in case anyone else has suggestions.


From: Gon [mailto:gonnyc at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 10:29 AM
To: Jesse Pelton
Subject: Re: [Spambayes] outlook-spambays problem

thanks for the good advice, but none of the solutions help...i could not
locate the ini file (could it have another name?), nor do i use PGP or
Athlon 64. Can anyone explain to the technologically challenged what DEP
stands for? the problem may be there, and i'd be happy to check.. 
On 2/2/07, Jesse Pelton <jsp at pkc.com> wrote: 

	There's a message thread in the archive that may help, though
your circumstances are different. See
	If you're using the PGP freeware plugin for Outlook, see
	And maybe the following is relevant:
	I'm grasping at straws (provided by a Google search for
"spambayes crashes outlook") here. If none of these suggestions help,
you could try the search yourself to see if any of the bazillion or so
other results are helpful. 


	From: spambayes-bounces at python.org [mailto:
spambayes-bounces at python.org <mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org> ] On
Behalf Of Gon
	Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 9:29 AM
	To: SpamBayes at python.org
	Subject: [Spambayes] outlook-spambays problem
	I posted a message on the subscription list a while ago and
received no response....
	I have been using SpamBayes with my outlook for months with no
problem and was very pleased by its operation. A while ago the problem
bega - any click on SpamBayes buttins - "delete as spam" or "spambayes
manager" prompts outlook to crash. I don't receive any error messages
except "outlook has encountered a problem and has to shut down". 
	I am using Windown XP and outlook 2003.
	Please help!
	Gon Kafri
	Parents Circle
	gonnyc at gmail.com

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