[Spambayes] Accessing SpamBayes via XML-RPC API

DL dl.lists at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 23 14:35:14 CEST 2007

I have just succeeded in integrating Pegasus Mail with SpamBayes.


Now in FAQ, 1.5.7. 


I found this interesting paragraph ..

> The filter script. This does three jobs: command-line training, procmail
> filtering, and XML-RPC. See below for details of how to use sb_filter for
> training, and how to use it as procmail filter. SpamBayes can also run as
> an XML-RPC server, so that a programmer can write code that uses a remote
> server to classify emails programmatically - see sb_xmlrpcsrv.py.


My question .. how can I access SpamBayes through an XML-RPC API so that I can send 
text streams (not email messages) to be classified / trained through this API ?  

i.e. adapting SpamBayes server for uses other than spam classification?

I have in mind classifying general text documents.

What classification data can be returned?  Clues, tokens?

Any examples of programs or scripts accessing SpamBayes XML-RPC API?

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