[Spambayes] IMAPFilter question

Don Ireland dig-AL at newhorizonprop.com
Mon Sep 11 15:51:05 CEST 2006

1st--I DID try to access the readme file to see if this question was answered there before deciding to write this message to the list.

Background for my questions:  I have an outsourced IMAP account (at fusemail.com).  Although there spam filters do a decent job, I'd like to improve on that.  I check my email on my Treo650, at work and at home (on a different PC from this "utility PC").

Now the questions:
1) Can I install this imapfilter for SpamBayes on my home pc (it is a utility pc handling several different functions and is therefore left on all the time) and have it check my account on a regular basis and move spam to the appropriate folder?  
2) When a spam message DOES get through, can I just move the message to the spam folder and have SB automatically train on that as spam
3) Can SB delete the message when it's done training on it?


Don Ireland
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