[Spambayes] (no subject)

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Tue Oct 31 01:15:35 CET 2006

    Jan> The local host is
    Jan> http://localhost:8880/config
    Jan> There is  no space in my URL
    Jan> This are the instruction I followed:
    Jan> 4.21   How do I set up SpamBayes and Outlook Express?
    Jan> 1.      Download the latest version of SpamBayes from the download page.

    Jan> 2.      Run the installer - you want "sb_server", not the Outlook plug-in.

    Jan> 3.      Open Outlook Express.

    Jan> 4.      From the "Tools" menu, choose "Accounts".

    Jan> 5.      Select your mail account and click "Properties".

    Jan> 6.      Click the "Servers" tab.

    Jan> 7.      Make a note of what you currently have in the "incoming mail server" 
    Jan> entry (the name of your POP3 server).

    Jan> 8.      Change the "incoming mail server" from the name of your POP3 server 
    Jan> to "localhost" (no quotes).

    Jan> 9.      Click "OK".

    Jan> 10.  Click "Close".

    Jan> 11.  Open the SpamBayes configuration page at http://localhost:8880/config 
    Jan> (you can do this via the tray application, or just type that address into 
    Jan> your browser).

    Jan> 12.  Enter your POP3 server's name in the top box ("Remote Servers"). This 
    Jan> is what you wrote down in step 7.

    Jan> 13.  Enter "110" (no quotes) in the second box ("SpamBayes ports").

    Jan> 14.  Tick the "unsure" and "spam" boxes in the "Notate to" option, about 
    Jan> halfway down the page.

    Jan> 15.  Click the "Save configuration" button at the end of the page.

Jan,  Give this URL a try:


(that is, without the "config").

Can someone else help out Jan, hopefully someone who uses the POP3 proxy on
Windows?  I don't use Windows and don't know quite how the POP3 proxy is
launched there.


    Jan> ----- Original Message ----- 
    Jan> From: <skip at pobox.com>
    Jan> To: "Jan Tuerlinckx" <Jant at skynet.be>
    Jan> Cc: <spambayes at python.org>
    Jan> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:46 PM
    Jan> Subject: Re: [Spambayes] (no subject)

    Jan> And niow a new problem with http:// localhost:8880/review
    Jan> The page cannot be displayed
    Jan> The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The 
    >> Web site
    Jan> might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to 
    >> adjust your
    Jan> browser settings.
    >> Jan,
    >> Make sure there is not space in the URL.  Also, check the port number. 
    >> I'm
    >> not sure if it's 8880 by default or 8080.  When you start sb_server.py I
    >> think it tells you where it's listening.  You should be able to just copy
    >> and paste the URL it prints.
    >> Skip 

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