[Spambayes] Problem with Mail Body in OE

Simon Erskine simon.erskine at electrolley.com.au
Wed May 24 08:28:21 CEST 2006

I've had SB installed for several months now and have found it to be excellent. 

SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 1.1a1 (April 2005), installed for Outlook Express

Two small issues I'd like some feedback on if possible:

1. Every now and then I get a group email where the message body has disappeared. Everyone else on the list can read it apart from me. The mail still contains headers and bodies of previous contributions but not the current one. Further on, someone may forward another contribution and I will see the body of the mail I missed. Certain email addresses seem to trigger this glitch more than others but it's not a certain rule. And I'm yet to see it occur when an email is sent solely to me.

I've tried deleting the DB and creating a new one but the problem has recurred.

2. Spams are now getting through using a legitimate-looking email address and subject lines but containing a graphic in the body which contains the spam text. ie I don't think it's searchable? Can SB deal with this? How can I reconfigure to resolve this?



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