[Spambayes] Suggestion for the faq - install (for example withEudora)

amedee at amedee.be amedee at amedee.be
Mon Mar 27 12:31:57 CEST 2006

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Tony Meyer wrote ..
> > i suggest to add to the faq entry
> > "2.4 How do I configure Eudora for use with
> > SpamBayes?"
> I have no personal interest in writing "How to configure X for  
> SpamBayes" for all the mailers that exist.

I'm with you there all the way.

> The reason I added the  
> Outlook Express one is that it saved me answering the same question  
> again and again on this list.  Outlook Express users generally have  
> very little ability to work with computers, and need as much hand- 
> holding as possible, which is why there are so many questions from  
> them (I'm somewhat astonished that they find SpamBayes at all).

Sad but true.

> (An additional reason is that because Outlook Express is so feature- 
> poor, it requires setting up the 'notate' options, which isn't  
> necessary for pretty much any other mailer, and makes the process  
> more complicated (ironically)).

Sad but true.

> If, however, someone contributed steps for another mailer (e.g.  
> Eudora), then I'd be happy to add them to the FAQ, since that's very  
> little work.  Hint, hint, hint.

I volunteer to review the documentation for setting it up as a procmail filter.
If and when I have the time for it (not soon).
I'm sure I can find some minor details that could benefit from clearer instructions. Documentation is never finisched, you only stop writing it. :)

> > and similar that the SpamBayes server have to be stoped and then
> > restarted after it has been configurated (after point 3) otherwise it
> > doesn't take the changes into account.
> I'm not sure what you mean here.  What is point 3?

Not sure here either but it sounds logical to me: restart a service after you changed it's config. The same is valid for most other services that run on $my_server (apache, ssh, shorewall,... you name it)

Amedee Van Gasse.


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