[Spambayes] is the database empty

Tim Stone tim at aterraform.com
Sat Jun 10 16:03:10 CEST 2006

<Amedee writes>

PS: please don't do "reply all", reply to the list.
</Amedee writes>

The problem here is if the sender is not subscribed, they'll never get the response.  If you respond to the sender only, then the list doesn't see the response...  Sorry, but reply-all is the solution.  If you dig back about three years in the archive <wink> you'll find a bit of a discussion on this topic, and this is where we settled.  It makes some duplicates, but everyone is assured of seeing the response.

Amedee Van Gasse wrote:

>On Sat, June 10, 2006 14:18, yahoo.de said:
>>>The most efficient way to fill your database, is to let spambayes train
>>>unsures and on mistakes.
>>what do you mean with train on mistake?
>>how could i train the SB to recognize emails with advertistment images for
>>some product and so on?
>>let see the email has no text, but onla an image in the  body!
>>(i know there are image scanner software for this purpose, but what could
>>done in such cases)
>Image spam is indeed a problem.
>Otoh, in my personal experience it's only a problem in theory.
>In practice there are enough other spammy characteristics in such emails.
>I don't know about image scanners specifically for spam detection, but I
>think it's possible to feed emails trough such image scanners before they
>are fed to spambayes.
>I already send my emails trough some conversion filters before they are
>spambayesed. For example I use mimencode to preconvert some special MIME
>formats (like used in Asian languages) into 8-bit format.
>I can imagine one could make an ocr program that converts images to text
>(if possible) and attaches the text to the email, which is subsequently
>fed to spambayes. That way, spambayes virtually "reads" the image just
>like a human does.
>Actually, you suggest something interesting. I'm going to try a few things
>and iff they work, I'll post it on the list.
>PS: please don't do "reply all", reply to the list.
>SpamBayes at python.org
>Check the FAQ before asking: http://spambayes.sf.net/faq.html

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