[Spambayes] Spam Clues: [Bulk] Fantastic ...

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Jul 27 12:27:55 CEST 2006

    Eric> This message was classified as "junk suspects."  It is identical
    Eric> to dozens of message that have come over the past several months,
    Eric> all of which I have moved from junk suspects to the junk folder.
    Eric> It appears that the training feature isn't working, despite the
    Eric> fact that it's checked.  Any ideas.

Looks like it was a message that contained a virus:

    Eric> 'virus:src="cid:'                   0.775585          304   1228

If that's the case, a) you need to update your virus definitions to
recognize it, and b) you've apparently approved similar messages as ham over
300 times.  With as many hams and spams as you have in your training

    Eric> # ham trained on: 4041
    Eric> # spam trained on: 4721

I'm going to guess you probably have a few mistakes in there.  You might
want to try training from scratch.


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