[Spambayes] question about .procmailrc

Remi Ricard papaDoc at videotron.ca
Mon Jan 23 19:42:36 CET 2006


> Thank you for the fast reply,
> But I need somethig a little bit more complicated:
> I want to ensure the a whole .procmailrc execution will be completed before a next begins.
> I am trying to do a small experiment : In my .procmailrc I call to 3 different spamfilter, and then I write the results to a file. there for I must ensure execution completion before another execution begin.
> Does anyone know how can I do it?

I think what you can do is something like

:0 w
         # Do your 3 filters inside the {}

	:0 w
	| filter1

	:0 w
	| filter2

	:0 w
	| filter3	

Since the whole process is included between {} procmail should wait 
until everything is finished before processing a new mail


N.B. This is what I think should work but I did not test it.

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