[Spambayes] Bug [ 725449 ] Addin won't initialize

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Dec 29 21:09:15 CET 2006

    Tim> I am looking through the Python help gaes and came accross a note
    Tim> from you...from years ago I think....but wondering if you might be
    Tim> able to help me.  I need a file, win32all-152.exe but the
    Tim> starship.python website (where the software workbook I am working
    Tim> through tells me to find it) is not around anymore.  I have to
    Tim> track down that file to get a scripting environment set-up on my
    Tim> computer (I guess...I'm new to this)....so, if you happen to stil
    Tim> have that file laying around on some corner of the hard
    Tim> drive....would you please email it to me?

Assuming what you are after is a working Python environment you don't want
version 1.5.2.  The current stable release of Python is 2.5.0.  Python 1.5.2
was released in April 1999.  For more help, drop a note to the Python
mailing list: python-list at python.org.

Skip Montanaro - skip at pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/
"The hippies and the hipsters did some great stuff in the sixties,
but the geeks pulled their weight too." -- Billy Bragg

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