[Spambayes] Thank You!

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Fri Dec 22 22:39:20 CET 2006

It took awhile to get it trained for me but Spambayes is now saving 
my sanity. I'm getting upwards of 150 spam per day and I only see 
perhaps 2-3 spam get past the filter per week & some weeks no spam 
gets past the filter. I never find any ham being misidentified 
anymore. I am downloading from 4 pop addresses including a web page 
with an address on it. The spambots know my email alright...

I truly thank you!

In case of a crash/loss of data, I'd like to archive my spambayes 
settings & files so I can install them easily again (and to transfer 
them to a second computer I take with me on the road).

Is there a link to instructions on what & how to backup to do this?

What a helpful program!

Merry Christmas!


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