[Spambayes] spambayes won't load in OL 2003

Zac Mutrux zmutrux at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 08:30:32 CET 2006

I have a user running Outlook 2003 with Spambayes 1.0.4. Spambayes
craps out from time to time and has to be reinstalled, but this time
nothing I do will restore the add-in to action.

I can see the add-in in the Com Add-ins window, but the box is not
checked. I check the box and restart Outlook, but no dice.

I've tried reinstalling Spambayes, reinstalling Outlook, removing the
Spambayes data folder, creating a new Outlook profile all to no good

Any thoughts on how I can get Spambayes to work again?

Here are the contents of my latest log file.

Registered: Spambayes.OutlookAddin
Registration complete.

Thanks much for any assistance you can offer.

Best regards,


Zac Mutrux Consulting
(415) 359-3781

Note: I use this email address primarily for email newsletters and
discussion groups. If you wish to contact me directly, please email
zac at mutrux.com.

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