[Spambayes] Installing Spambayes on Mandriva One Linux

Mike Causer mikec at mikecauser.com
Fri Apr 14 20:38:40 CEST 2006

The installation from LiveCD of Mandriva One Linux doesn't have all the
Python stuff it needs.  Use RpmDrake (Main Menu -> System ->
Configuration => Packaging -> Install Software) to get the package
"libpython2.4-devel-2.4.1-3mdk".  The actual error on install is that
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile is missing.

Hope this helps someone.

Mike Causer                          Email - mailto:mikec at mikecauser.com
GPG KeyID 1C2DDA07                       WWW - http://www.mikecauser.com
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