[Spambayes] Whitelisting for spam reports

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Sun Oct 16 03:10:14 CEST 2005

    >> No, place a filter in your mail user agent's filter configuration
    >> that saves these messages off to a mailbox before SpamBayes sees
    >> them.

    Manuel> As i said, i am a normal user and i use a freemail account. I
    Manuel> can't intercept messages on the server before they are delivered
    Manuel> to me.

My procmailrc solution does work on the client end.  There's nothing
"un-normal" about my setup.  It's actually pretty common for Linux/Unix
users who have not been seduced by Outlook lookalikes.  My mail server
delivers the message to my computer where procmail filters the mail in front
of me reading it.

Can you describe your mail server/mail client/SpamBayes setup?

Skip Montanaro
Katrina Benefit Concerts: http://www.musi-cal.com/katrina
skip at pobox.com

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