[Spambayes] how to remove spam from subject for incorrectly makedmail

User Waldo userwaldo at theeggbeater.net
Sun May 1 04:13:31 CEST 2005

Thanks, I was able to fix this via a plugin for Thunderbird that allows
you to edit headers.

Also I've switched to the imap client, but had to use an older version
due to not beeing able to connect to the mail server with the newer
version.  the problem is that it occasionaly crashes and i have to
restart the filter.

Tony Meyer wrote:

>>How do you remove the spam label from the subject of 
>>incorrectly marked mail? 
>I don't believe you can edit messages with Outlook Express, which I assume
>you are using (I don't know of any other mail programs that are so limited
>that the subject tags are needed).  That means you can't.
>(You should train SpamBayes on such mail, of course, via the web interface).
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