[Spambayes] Autotraining & definetly delete spam

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Mar 7 04:48:23 CET 2005

> I don't know if, when I click on "delete as spam" or "recover 
> from spam", the bayesian kernel is training by itself.

"Delete As Spam" and "Recover From Spam" both move and train, yes.

> Also, I would like to know if the filtering process includes any 
> kind of autotraining, in order to reinforce its database of 
> spam/ham tokens.

No.  Filtering classifies only, it doesn't do any training.

> Second, definitely deletion of messages.
> I think that messages with a score higher than a certain 
> level should be definitely deleted in Windows, Outlook.

Please see FAQs 3.9 and 3.11 and this sf tracker:

[ 774650 ] Additional post-filtering options


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