[Spambayes] RE: [ 1113863 ] sb_tray eats all cpu tim

Geoff Cheshire gcmaildrop at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 02:15:21 CET 2005

Thanks for the quick and informative reply.  My problem is that my
mail server/internet connection *is* available.  It's just that I'm
getting this behavior for some other reason.  A timeout perhaps?  (As
I said, I'm chaining Spambayes behind ClamMail, which seems to be a
bit unreliable.  I often have to restart Thunderbird's downloading of
multiple messages (say, more than 5 at a time).

When this problem occurs -- the 100% CPU and huge log file -- nothing
I do can get Spambayes up and running again.  I have to kill the
sb_tray.exe process and each time I restart it, it again pegs the CPU
load and stalls.  No messages come through.  This is while I have an
active internet connection and my pop3 server is available.

This week has been ridiculously busy for me.  I may be able to tackle
putting together a package by this weekend or next week.  Possibly.

Thanks again,

--- Tony Meyer wrote:

> Please add comments via the trackers, or, if necessary, the
> spambayes at python.org list, rather than sending me personal mail. 
> That way
> you'll get the benefit of answers from everyone.
> > You marked this as foxed/closed.  This is happening to me 
> > constantly and really can't use SB anymore.
> Can you not stop your mail client attempting to make connections
> when the
> connection is not available?
> > Is there a 
> > deveolpment release I could try to se if it fixes my problem?
> You can run from CVS (click the CVS link at
> <http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>, follow the instructions there
> to get a
> CVS checkout, and then follow the spambayes instructions for
> running from
> source).
> Alternatively, you could download the source archive for 1.0.3, run
> from
> that and apply the patch manually.
> 1.1a1 will have this fix, but unless someone else steps up to do
> the
> release, it won't be out until the end of the month.  As Skip
> mentioned in a
> previous list email, if someone wants to volunteer to put together
> a 1.0.4
> with this fix (instructions on building a release are in
> then I doubt anyone will stand in the way.  (And some help would
> even be
> provided).
> =Tony.Meyer
> -- 
> Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your
> replies
> (reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about
> SpamBayes.
> http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains
> this.

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