[Spambayes] exchange "problems"

Chris Boldiston chrisbold at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 15 15:38:14 CEST 2005



First a work of thanks - I have been using and recommending SpamBayes for
about 2 years and it has been terrific! About 12 months ago I got a new
laptop with XP Pro and Outlook 2003. I initially used the Outlook built in
spam filtering but the darned product just did not work. I get about 150
spams per day and it's critical that I don't miss any ham - the Outlook
product let me down so I went back to SpamBayes.


Its all been running perfectly for about 10 months - I NEVER get spam in my
Inbox and usually have 4 or 5 Junk Suspects. A few weeks ago I configured
Outlook to connect to exchange over my new VPN and started getting spam in
my Inbox.  I changed SpamBayes configuration to enable Background Filtering
and have Process Start Delay of 1.5 secs and Delay of .5 secs configured. I
am still getting spam in my Inbox. The stats for today are;


SpamBayes processed 130 messages - 13 (10%) good, 104 (80%) spam and 13
(10%) unsure

1 message was manually classified as good (with 0 being false positives)

75 messages were manually classified as being spam


Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to get SpamBayes to behave?





Skype ID - chrisbold
MSN Messenger ID - chrisbold at hotmail.com 


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