[Spambayes] TK NOTICE: Ebay Member Services

EBAY FIP: eBay Member Services memberservic at ebay.com
Fri Jun 10 11:55:31 CEST 2005

Dear eBay Member, 
You have not yet verified your account. On May 20, 2005 we sent you an email to notify you that you must provide account vericfication to continue to be a part of eBay. This is needed to protect the integrity of your account

Section 9 of the Ebay User agreement states that we may suspend or cancel a users trading privileges if the account contains: 
False or missing contact information - Falsifying or omitting your name, address, and/or telephone number (including use of fax machines, pager numbers, modems or disconnected numbers).

Please confirm that your registration details are correct by logging on to eBay and confirming your details. .
login here  http://www.ebay.com./memberservices/userid=5446565

All members are required to confirm their data in a timely manner


Safeharbor Department
eBay Inc.
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