[Spambayes] Config Help Needed - WinXP & OE

Mead Lawson meadlawson at comcast.net
Thu Jun 2 23:58:23 CEST 2005


I'm in need of some config help with SB v1.0.4 on a WinXP/Pro machine running Outlook Express v6.00. Installation went smooth and sb_tray.exe is installed and running. Configuration held no surprises, but when I attempt to receive mail from my POP3 service I get the following message:

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this 
include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account:
'meadlawson at comcast.net', Server: 'localhost', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995,
Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number 0x800CCC0F
I'm retrieving POP3 mail from < mail.comcast.net >. So I set the incoming POP3 server field in OE to < localhost > and entered < mail.comcast.net > into the SB configuration INI file. I also configured SpamBayes with an incoming POP3 server port number of < 995 > which it is in OE.

The "Spambayes Web Interface: Home" page reads as follows:

POP3 proxy running on 995, proxying to mail.comcast.net:110. 
Active POP3 conversations: 0.
POP3 conversations this session: 2.
Emails classified this session: 0 spam, 0 ham, 0 unsure.
Total emails trained: Spam: 0 Ham: 0

I changed the configuration to read "POP3 proxy running on 995, proxying to mail.comcast.net:995", but it had no effect.
Have I configured OE or SB incorrectly? Are additional readme files available to help me troubleshoot further? TIA for your suggestions.
Looking forward to getting it working.


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