[Spambayes] Outlook Express

Mel Larsen melars2u at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 23 20:04:34 CEST 2005


Just came across your SpamBayes program in the Kim Kommando Newsletter.  It sounds great but it looks to be primarily for Microsoft Outlook.  I use Outlook Express and saw it mentioned also.  Problem in finding the correct download to apply to OE.  Would appreciate your assistance.  

I am using Windows XP.  Had a download of SpamBayes 1.0.4 which I have removed since it appeared to be only for Outlook.  Please advise as to the correct download.

I read your trouble-shooting guide and am still stuck (almost a verbatim quote form your trouble shooting site!).  Would appreciate your assistance in this matter so I can have a healthy "Ham" email file.

Mel Larsen
melars2u at sbcglobal.net
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