[Spambayes] DB error...

Tim seqenenra at hotpop.com
Wed Jul 6 17:02:37 CEST 2005

Tony Meyer wrote:

>>I went ahead and used the pickle option. I have the feeling 
>>that it would keep on happening. The version I am using is 
>>1.1a1 (April 2005).
>1.1a1 has a major problem with sb_server and will continually corrupt the
>messageinfo database.  You'll probably find that the pickle doesn't get
>corrupted, but is really slow.  When we find time to release 1.1a2, this
>will be fixed - for now, I highly recommend only using sb_server with 1.0.4
>or source from CVS.

I am not sure what I did to spambayes, but it sure isn't liking me too
much. Everything was running great today after  I started using the
pickle, and then this evening it crapped out with the following.

SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 1.0.4 (March 2005)
and engine SpamBayes Engine Version 0.3 (January 2004).

SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 1.1a1 (April 2005)

Loading database...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/sb_server.py", line 1096, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/sb_server.py", line 1084, in run
  File "/usr/bin/sb_server.py", line 1009, in prepare
  File "/usr/bin/sb_server.py", line 808, in prepare
  File "/usr/bin/sb_server.py", line 874, in createWorkers
    self.mdb = spambayes.message.open_storage(self.MDBName, self.useMDB)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/spambayes/message.py", line
269, in open_storage
    return klass(data_source_name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/spambayes/message.py", line
193, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/spambayes/message.py", line
205, in load
    self.db = pickle.load(fp)

Any ideas?

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