[Spambayes] Configure a Small B. Server windows2000

Rafael Paredes paredes at ulrichkitchens.com
Mon Jan 24 16:52:35 CET 2005

Hello there.


Directly to the point I know you must get a lot of e-mails.

How do I configure this program to check all e-mails that come to a SBS
Windows2000? (Exchange server?)


I want to check what comes in and what goes out this server.


Please send any links or explanations of how to configure software.


Thank you


I have Last SpamBayes software.

Windows 2000 SBS (with exchange server)

NO logs yet of any traced mail.


Server Name: Server2600

Domain: Ulrichkitchens.com

SMTP Port: 25


Please advice.


Thank you!


Rafael Paredes

Network Admin.

& CAD Operator


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