[Spambayes] Spam Clues: Order Royal Replica Watches Online

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Jan 2 02:21:36 CET 2005

> Thanks, for your help. As you can see it also scored 1 for me.

Was this before training on the message?  If so, then the problem isn't the
message being correctly classified, it's a probably with moving messages
into the spam folder (you can't get a higher score than 1.0).

Do you have the spam field displayed in the folder that these messages are
appearing in?  If so, then what score do they have when they arrive?  A log
file from a time when the messages arrive would also help to narrow down the

BTW, if this is the problem, then retraining won't help.  However, your
database is somewhat out of balance and retraining is often useful anyway,
so it's still a good idea.


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