[Spambayes] New user, issues with command line use

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Feb 10 22:27:29 CET 2005

> I've installed it under my own user only for test purposes and using 
> Procmail to execute sb_filter.py and do the filtering.
> I'm using the following config in .spambayesrc
> [Storage]
> persistent_use_database = True
> persistent_storage_file = ~/.hammiedb
> [Headers]
> include_evidence = True
> So far it works ok but I need to figure out how to further 
> train it so that's it's as simple and platform independent
> as possible.  
> Other SPAM filters I've used have an E-mail alias such as 
> spam-myloginid at mydomain.com to report spam.
> Is that possible to do with SpamBayes, if so, how do I set up 
> the alias?

There are many ways to train SpamBayes - it's really a case of picking the
one that suits you best.  For example:

  * You can use sb_mboxtrain to train from a mbox or MH mailbox.

  * You can use sb_filter (-g or -s) to train a single message.

  * You can use sb_upload to upload messages to the web interface and train
from the review page.

  * You can use the "Train" box on the front page of the web interface.

  * You can use sb_imapfilter to train from specific IMAP folders.

  * You can use sb_server as a SMTP proxy (without the POP3 proxy, if you
like) and train via email forwarding.

The latter is similar to what you describe, I believe.  However, it works
best when used in conjunction with the POP3 proxy so that it actually trains
from the stored copy of the message in the cache.  If you use it without
that, then you need to be sure that you are forwarding the message exactly
as it arrived, and not in a forwarded format that most mailers will produce
(ideally this also means that the To: header should be as when arrived, and
only the SMTP FROM should be spambayes-spam at localhost or whatever you set
the address to).

Those are the most common ways, but I've probably missed something.  If none
of these suit, please post a message describing what would, and we can see
if we can come up with a way to do what you're after.


Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.

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