[Spambayes] Trouble with SpamBayes

GeorgeChris chrisandgeorge at comcast.net
Fri Dec 30 00:11:07 CET 2005

I have installled SpamBayes, trained it on two messages, but it does not see any incoming messages. The following is the latest log file.
I am running Windows XP and using OutLook Express for mail. The server address has been set to mail.comcast.net using port 110 and OutLook has been redirected to localhost.

Service not available. Using thread.
Loading database... Listener on port 110 is proxying mail.comcast.net:110
User interface url is http://localhost:8880/
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <spambayes.Dibbler._HTTPHandler connected at 0x13e5300> (socket.error:(10053, 'Software caused connection abort') [asynchat.pyc|initiate_send|218] [asyncore.pyc|send|337])
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel <spambayes.Dibbler._HTTPHandler connected at 0x1c258a0> (socket.error:(10053, 'Software caused connection abort') [asynchat.pyc|handle_read|88] [asyncore.pyc|recv|356])

Any suggestions?

George Gerhold
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