[Spambayes] Problem training my SpamBayes

Glenn Fleisig GlennF at asmi.org
Fri Dec 16 16:46:55 CET 2005


Thank you for your free product.  I am excited to get going with SpamBayes, but I'm having problems.
I am using Microsoft Outlook 2000 ( and Microsoft XP
I just loaded SpamBayes 1.0.4

My problem is when I try to select folders to train SpamBayes.  Specifically, I click on "Browse" for "Select Folders with known good messages" or for "Select folders with Spam messages. Then I select a folder, like my "InBox", but the box stays gray instead of white and does not show the folder I picked with the Browse.  I then hit "Train" but it says that I must select at least one folder (which I tried to do with Browse).

I then clicked the "Enable SpamBayes" box and repeated the steps above, but again the folder box stayed gray and would not show the folder I tried to pick with Browse.


Thanks in advance, 

- Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D.
Glenn S. Fleisig, Ph.D., Smith & Nephew Chair of Research
American Sports Medicine Institute
833 St. Vincent's Drive, Suite 100
Birmingham, AL 35205
(email) glennf at asmi.org
(tel) 205-918-2139
(fax) 205-918-2179 (if you send a fax, please notify me by email)

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