[Spambayes] Please Help me

Church fculittle at fculittle.org
Sun Dec 4 19:18:46 CET 2005

All is working the items are back. It took someone who completely understood
the product and knew where to look for items to look at it and now its back.
Thank you to all your suggestions. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 5:25 PM
To: Coe, Bob
Cc: Jesse Pelton; SpamBayes List; Church
Subject: Re: [Spambayes] Please Help me

>>>  I tried a few things in the trouble shooting guide and the tool bar 
>>> info disappeared.
>> It [toolbar] isn't there. Tried that. I can't figure out where it 
>> went. Though it was the suggestion in the trouble shooting guide when 
>> have probmlems to delete it, I figured when I reinstalled it would 
>> reappear. Man what a mess I've made.
> Random "drags" can wreak a lot of havoc in Outlook. Maybe she's 
> managed to push the Spambayes toolbar out of the visible part of the 
> window. I guess that's consistent with the fact that reinstalling 
> doesn't help. Presumably the second installation would simply 
> overwrite the previous toolbar in place. If the old one wasn't 
> visible, the new one wouldn't be either.

However, one of the suggestions in the troubleshooting guide is to delete
outcmd.dat, which AFAIK completely resets all Outlook toolbars, so that
should have fixed it if this was the case.  Sandy:  
was that one of the things in the troubleshooting guide you tried?   
If not, it would be worth trying.

(I think, but am not sure, that simply deleting the SpamBayes toolbar, which
is also in the troubleshooting guide, and having SpamBayes recreate it next
time Outlook launches, would also reset this).


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