[Spambayes] Mail archive - Please delete

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 00:40:54 CET 2005

[James Gilmour]
> I am extremely concerned to find detailed data about my computer on your
> mail archive.
> Please delete this information ASAP, especially the first file, which in my
> opinion, should NEVER have been posted on a publicly accessible website.
> Please confirm when these deletions have been made.

I'm sorry, but we have no more ability to alter public archives than
you have.  As it says:


    There are currently five mailing lists of interest. All lists are
public, and all
    are publicly archived. This is normal practice for open-source projects, and
    you should be aware that all email sent to one of these addresses will be
    visible to the world:


We have no access to the machines that run the mailing list software,
and it's flatly impossible for us to change any part of the archives. 
You should be aware that public archives are also copied all over the
web, by anyone who feels like doing so.  For example, I found a copy
of your message here:


and that's the first time I _heard_ of nabble.com.  It's not hard to
find other copies.  In short, the cat's out of the bag and is an eager
breeder ;-).

I understand that you're unlikely to be satisfied with this response,
but it's the best I can do.  In future, don't post to public mailing
lists if you want your messages to be private (and don't use email at
all if you're seriously concerned about privacy --  email is an
inherently insecure medium).

FWIW, I didn't see any detailed data about your computer in the
SpamBayes log you posted.  It mostly consists of Python tracebacks,
which have nothing to do with you personally.  The log contains your
name, but then so did your email.

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