[Spambayes] Feature Request

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Apr 20 19:42:17 CEST 2005

    Amir> W/o diving into this interesting flame (:-) I would like to make
    Amir> one point regarding your own setup - Myself, and I assume most
    Amir> other users of SB do NOT have access to the step in mail food
    Amir> chain where procmail and similar tools can be installed &
    Amir> configured. We're stuck with the organizational policy of using an
    Amir> end-user mail client (like Outlook) so the only weapon that we
    Amir> have is a plug-in in Outlook (or the SB proxy for POP3).

I understand what you're saying, but could only speak from my own experience
with procmail.  I believe Outlook has a pretty full-featured filter
capability that allows you to route mail to mailboxes based on more-or-less
arbitrary header field contents.  I think most of my special procmail
recipes could be translated to Outlook filter rules without major
aggravation.  I suspect any mail program that pretends to compete with
Outlook (Eudora, Mozilla Mail, Apple's Mail.app, etc) has to support
something similar.

Can someone out there tell me conclusively that Outlook or any Outlook
wannabe (*) can't do something like "route all mail from guido at python.org to
my guido mailbox"?


(*) Outlook Express does not count as an Outlook wannabe.

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