[Spambayes] Concurrent DB access leads to corruption? (FAQ question)

Toby Dickenson tdickenson at devmail.geminidataloggers.co.uk
Mon Apr 4 13:11:14 CEST 2005

On Saturday 02 April 2005 16:09, Jim Correia wrote:

> I'm evaluation SpamBayes as a replacement for bogofilter in a current
> production environment. I will be using sb_filter.py as well as
> sb_imapfilter.pyc for retraining (for starters).
> The cron task 

Unless I overlooked something, you dont say *which* cron task.

> could fire at the same time as procmail. Does sb use 
> internal locks to prevent this situation? Is there otherwise a way to
> avoid corruption with unavoidable concurrent access?

sb_bnfilter is a replacement for sb_filter that serialises all database access 
through a short-lived daemon process that it starts automatically. This was 
originally designed to avoid a database startup overhead for each email, but 
it should avoid this type of concurrent write damage too.

(some other posts in this thread discuss NFS - this will definitely still be 
unsafe if you have concurrent writes spanning multple hosts)

Toby Dickenson

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