[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] ANNOUNCE: SpamBayes release 1.0

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Sep 30 07:20:47 CEST 2004

> Thanks for all the effort on this!

On behalf of us all, you're welcome!

> For the IMAP version, is there any plans to add a retry 
> mechanism to the server login?
> I had to hack the version I have so that, if the IMAP
> login fails, it will just skip and at the next time
> around, try to login again to read mail. Previously,
> it would work for a few hours and then, one of the
> login attempts would fail and spambayes would exit.

I have no problems with adding that.  To save me a few minutes, would you
like to open a patch tracker on sf and put a diff there?  (Against whatever
version you have is fine).

> Also, does V1.0 have the ability to specify the folder
> to move HAM into? I had also hacked my version so that
> SPAM is placed in one folder and HAM in another. Then,
> instead of reading my inbox, which has yet to be
> processed mail, I just read what is in the HAM folder.

No, unfortunately.  This is (as you'd know):

[ 940643 ] Add ham_folder option

And it didn't make it into 1.0 (the 1.0 branch has been pretty much 'frozen'
for a long time, to try and get the release as stable as possible).

However, this has now been implemented and checked into CVS.  That means
that it will be in the 1.1a1 release, whenever that is (but not in 1.0.1,
which is bugfixes only).  It's in CVS now, if you wanted to use that
instead, but there's probably not much point since you've got a modified
copy already.

=Tony Meyer

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