[Spambayes] ANNOUNCE: SpamBayes release 1.0

Tony Meyer ta-meyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Sep 29 01:49:26 CEST 2004

[Dean Bettinger]
> I installed 1.0 Outlook plug-in but noticed two oddities:
> Check for new version reports that 1.0rc2 is the latest version
>                                       ^^^

Sorry - I ran out of time to upload the new version information.  It'll be
fixed at some point today.

> Spambayes Manager reports the version as 1.0 (July 2004)
>                                               ^^^^

The code was frozen and built in late July, so that was the current date.
Then there were issues with people being away/busy and so the actual release
process couldn't be done until now.  Nothing has changed with the 1.0
release since July, however.  So it's technically the right date.

> Everything works as expected.  Keep up the terrific work!

Thanks!  Thanks for letting us know that it worked, too.  (No matter how
much you test, there's always something...)

=Tony Meyer

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