[SpamBayes] Thunderbird Extension?

Rick Friedman RickFriedman at vfemail.net
Thu Sep 23 07:05:50 CEST 2004

Absolutely. In fact, that's exactly what I do. I have deactivated 
Thunderbird's integrated junk mail control. Instead, I use SpamBayes 
exactly as you described.

"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate 
it." - Franklin P. Jones

Michael Kimball wrote:
> In the meanwhile couldn't you just use SpamBayes as a proxy between your
> mail server and Thunderbird?
> Rick Friedman wrote:
>>Actually, the integrated  Thunderbird junk mail filtering is modeled
>>after Spambayes. The chief Thunderbird developer, Scott MacGregor posted
>>this little tidbit on the forums at Mozillazine.org:
>>"We model / emulate ourselves after spambayes. We both use the same core
>>algorithm. They have a lot more tokenizer rules than we do."

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