[Spambayes] SpamBayes spam filter programme.... At this stage IT'S A CROCK !!!!!!

cats_palace cats_palace at bmail.com.au
Sun Oct 17 07:54:27 CEST 2004

To whom it my Concern 

Your programme doesn't work on a millennium based operating system using a P3 800 Processor. I use Outlook Express as the email service. zone alarm 4.5pro and Vet antivirus
The motherboard is a gigabyte board with an 815e Intel chipset. It has 512mb of ram

I have tried to configure this application until the cows come home and I am still up to my armpits in spam the server isn't installing and sitting between my ISP and this machine

Your information pages are exceptionally difficult to follow and the directories that you instruct people to go to are incorrect. I don't have the administrator tool available on this system to manually configure this programme. Or the Local  etc. If I was to put the address into the proxy settings what the hell is the address of the port is it 8880 or 110

You need to them into single operating systems or group them  such as Win/98/ME installations ...etc then group the different mail clients under those OS headers. Much simpler

I find it hard to conceive that APC magazine would recommend your Product. So it's FREE... well the programme should work I'm glad I didn't donate!

I know enough to Build, Programme and successfully operate a standalone computer. Why are your setup instructions so hard to follow!

I put a challenge to you : that you are unable to provide me with the CORRECT setup instructions and the associated Help files to successfully implement this programme into the computer. Presented in plain English...that is to say a minimum of Geek speech or at least have a geekSpeek  reference page at your site that links to a NEW WINDOW!.

Icons wont load
programme wont run
Programme refuses to learn
Cant find databases and the list goes on........

I know I'm doing something wrong but I have a life outside this keyboard!!!!!. It's time you clarified you instructions  to something than can be easily understood.
You should have the email address already but here it is again

cats_palace at bmail.com.au

I like many other operators are ether not DOS trained or just a computer user that have been taught  informally. If  you wish to release this or a similar  product commercially you would have difficulty in sustaining sales. Way to hard for a basic user!

I will provide you with the necessary system Info on your request. I added my name to your mailing list too!

Cheers and sorry about the negativity but it is too hard to get to  work with out some sort of background in this sort area. I have no experience in networking and this is very difficult for the home user to get to work.And I have read and NOT understood a great deal from you web Pages My partner as a basic user has no hope of getting this application to work appropriately 

 I am going to uninstall your programme and reinstall it and try once more. I will expect to hear from you.

Thank you

Mick Young

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