[Spambayes] Win32 Command Line

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Oct 14 02:33:16 CEST 2004

> Again, thanks a million.  I have an idea... Do you know where 
> I can find an example (for a dozen) of PERFECTLY formed mbox 
> messages so I can eliminate parsing errors from the equation? 

The archives to this list should work:
<http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes/>.  I guess you should weed out
any spam in there, but the rest ought to be correctly formed.

> When I call the file as such:
> sb_filter.py < spam1.mai
> It ends up calling the function getmbox with the argument name = "-".
> This forces a call to get_message(sys.stdin)
> get_message then checks whether or not the passed object is a 
> message object, which it is not.  It then checks to see if 
> the passed object supports "read".  Which sys.stdin DOES.  
> So, then it tries to perform a read and bombs.  Here's the 
> code in question... (leading comments removed)
> It's failing on "obj = obj.read()"
> To me, this seesm like an odd place to bomb.  Why would 
> reading from sys.stdin fail?  Is something amiss with my 
> python installation, perhaps? This is my first attempt at 
> python and I'm not sure where to start looking for these answers.

I should have googled in the first place :)  Apparently this is a Windows
bug - there's an explanation here:


Try doing:
  C:\python23\python sb_filter.py < spam1.mai

And see if that works.

=Tony Meyer

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