[Spambayes] Ugh...imapfilter woes continue

Woo, Christopher Christopher.Woo at pepperdine.edu
Wed Oct 13 19:46:31 CEST 2004

Well, I got the MySQL database working after some helpful tips from Tony,
but immediately ran into a problem. Thinking that it may have been MySQL vs.
Spambayes, I changed to using a pickle, and ran into the same problem:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\spambayes\scripts\sb_imapfilter.py", line 1020, in ?
  File "c:\spambayes\scripts\sb_imapfilter.py", line 1010, in run
  File "c:\spambayes\scripts\sb_imapfilter.py", line 879, in Filter
    self.unsure_folder, self.ham_folder)
  File "c:\spambayes\scripts\sb_imapfilter.py", line 767, in Filter
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", line 190, in
    clues = self._getclues(wordstream)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", line 493, in
    tup = self._worddistanceget(word)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", line 508, in
    prob = self.probability(record)
  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\spambayes\classifier.py", line 311, in
    assert spamcount <= nspam, "Token seen in more spam than spam trained."
AssertionError: Token seen in more spam than spam trained.

I remember seeing something in an email a little while back about fixing
this error by exporting the db into a cvs and correcting it manually, but I
can't find any details on what exactly needs to be done. And seeing as I've
run into this exact same error twice now, immediately after training, is
there something I am doing when training that causes this error.


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