[Spambayes] uncomfortable pauses with outlook plugin...

Warren 'Llama' Ernst warren at warrenernst.com
Wed Oct 13 03:51:59 CEST 2004


I just switched from Win98 and Outlook 2000 on a P3 at 1.4 gig to a PC with
XP and Outlook 2000 on a P4 at 3 gig. I moved my outlook PST files to the
new machine from the old one, and installed the latest SpamBayes.

Though the filtering works just fine, I find that moving a message from the
Unsure folder to the Spam folder usually (but not always) makes the entire
system seem to freeze for 2 or 3 seconds. The old system never did this.

Now, I understand that there could be A LOT of things going on that can make
this happen, but I guess I am asking if:

1. This is typical with the current version (I was still using a beta on the
old computer)?

2. Is there a setting that is more likely to make this happen?

3. Are there a few things I should be checking for and getting back to this
list with?


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